M1’s Platform Fee

Updated May 2024

M1’s monthly platform fee will apply to all clients who do not meet the following monthly program requirements (“Program Requirements”): 

• A client’s M1 Invest or Earn accounts settled aggregate balance equals or exceeds $10,000 for at least one day during the applicable billing cycle; or 
• A client has an active M1 Personal Loan; or 
• A client has a joint Cash Account, and one of the account holders has either an active M1 Personal Loan or their M1 Invest or Earn accounts settled aggregate balance equals or exceeds $10,000 for at least one day during the applicable billing cycle; or 
• A client has an active Owner’s Rewards Card without any other accounts opened with M1. 

If you meet any of the above Program Requirements, the monthly platform fee shall be waived during the applicable billing cycle. 

All new M1 clients will be charged the platform fee 90 days after their email is initially registered on the M1 platform if any one of the Platform Requirements is not met within the 30 days prior to the first billing cycle (e.g., between days 60-90 after initial email registration). After the first billing cycle, and monthly thereafter, M1 will then evaluate if you have met any Program Requirements to determine if the monthly platform fee shall apply to you. Your billing date will be the same day each month as the first billing date unless your first billing date fell on the 29th, 30th, or 31st. In that case your monthly billing date will be ‘pushed’ to the 1st of each subsequent month. 

For example: You registered your email with M1 on May 1st. Your first billing date will be July 29th. The next billing cycle will be August 1st and every billing date thereafter will be on the 1st of each month.  

How M1 will determine if the monthly platform fee applies to you:

Each day, M1 will pull the balance of your Invest and Earn accounts (where applicable) at 1am CT* to evaluate if you have met any of the Program Requirements above to have the platform fee waived for that month. To know if you have met any one of the Program Requirements, please navigate to your account settings while in the M1 platform and then select “Platform Fee”. If further assistance is needed related to the monthly platform fee, please reach out to M1’s Customer Success team at help@m1.com.   

Default in payment of monthly platform fee:

For those clients who are unable to meet the Program Requirements and are unable to pay the monthly platform fee will have their accounts closed and liquidated (where applicable) if they have more than 90 days of inactivity**. Any such account closures will occur without notice to you

*The time of the day M1 evaluates client’s accounts is subject to change. M1 is the sole timekeeper.
**Inactivity of a M1 Brokerage Account is defined as an account with no trading, check or deposit activity for 90 days that has a balance less than $50. Inactivity of a M1 High-Yield Savings Account is defined as an account that has not initiated a transaction in 90 days and has a balance of $5 or less.