6 ways our team uses flexible work schedules to reach their personal goals

Workplace flexibility looks different for every company. For some, it means being able to fit in a midday workout. For others, it’s about looking after their kids when childcare cancels at the last minute.
Flexible work schedules take many shapes at M1, but all are designed to give people greater autonomy over their work and personal lives. With so many ways to collaborate these days, we want to share what flexible work is and highlight how our team uses it to thrive.
What is a flexible work schedule?
A flexible work schedule gives people the opportunity to work in the office, from home, and anywhere in between. It keeps online channels of communication, such as Zoom and Slack, constantly flowing. This lets people collaborate without needing to commute. From fully remote to fully in-office, a flexible work schedule helps individuals be productive in whatever work environment they prefer.
Flexible schedules promote a stronger sense of individual autonomy by giving people more choices. From saving time and money commuting to doing chores throughout the day, people can make work a part of their lives—not their entire lives.
How our team uses flexible work schedules to reach personal goals
The best thing about a flexible work schedule? The adaptability. We talked to six team members about how M1 lets them work in ways that fit their lifestyles.
Caring for loved ones
A flexible schedule can help people take on roles they wouldn’t normally have the time or energy to maintain. For our VP of People, Maria, this means acting as a caregiver for her husband who contracted long COVID.
“I’ve never had to be a caregiver, so caring for him is a very personal touch for me. I wouldn’t be able to do this if I was going to the office every single day.” Maria’s ability to work remotely has made all the difference in being around to check on him, make meals, and help him get to appointments.
Focusing on wellness
Fitness is key to overall well-being, something we prioritize at M1. Staying healthy is also important to Ryan, an iOS engineer at M1. On days with fewer meetings, he spends his mornings grinding out code before following it up with a gym session. “Working out is a way to push myself physically. I push myself mentally day-to-day with work projects, so going to the gym is a way to balance mental exercise with physical exercise.”

Raising a family
Chris, our Director of Acquisition Marketing, is a father of two. “A flexible work schedule has allowed me to walk my kids to school more often, go to soccer practices, and get more time with them in the evening.” He highlighted how he “saves an hour and a half of commute time on the days I work from home.” Chris found a great balance between office time and working from home, helping him thrive in both environments.

Making new connections
Raven, our Social Media Strategist, loves to use her flexible schedule to network. “At M1, if there’s a digital or IRL event I want to attend, the culture accepts taking time for yourself and your career growth, even if it happens during traditional work hours.”
Raven highlighted how at past jobs, she often had to take time off or miss networking opportunities altogether. A firm believer that your network is your true net worth, she said “You are the summation of who you surround yourself with. We need to continue meeting new and influential people, no matter when these events happen.” So, having the ability to capitalize on networking opportunities through her flexible schedule is crucial.

Exploring the world while working
Katrina, our Editorial Lead, loves to travel while working remotely. Rather than taking quick trips, she prefers traveling for several weeks or months at a time. Katrina’s found that “staying in a spot for at least a month lets me settle in, get to know my surroundings, and meet locals.”
She has shared travel tips with other M1ers, like how to save money by traveling during the week, using time differences to avoid crowds, and adopting technology like StarLink to work from anywhere. She’s made it clear that “if you’re interested in traveling while working remotely, having a flexible schedule comes with major benefits.”
Using breaks to think up solutions
Doing laundry or washing the dishes is draining after a long day at work. For Joel, a Staff Engineer, day-to-day flexibility is crucial to how he runs his day. Since Joel can work from home, he easily weaves small chores into his day that would otherwise wait until after work.
“When I didn’t work remotely, it was easy to let clutter pile up during the week. I lost time and energy on my hour-plus commute. Now, I can do chores throughout the day—and sometimes those mini-breaks are exactly what I need to solve something work-related.” No commuting and productive breaks lead to flexible, remote work that Joe states “is simply more sustainable.”
Flexible work schedules at M1
Since implementing remote and hybrid work at M1, our team has extra autonomy to live their lives while keeping productivity high. It also means we look for the best person for every role, no matter where they are located. As Maria said, “We want to be a place where you can have the work-life balance that you need. Everyone has other things going on in their lives, and we want to facilitate that.”
Flexible schedules are just one of the many ways M1 puts people first. Learn more about our team or explore our open roles.
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