Mans sitting at a home office researching on his phone and laptop

Guide to investing for long-term financial wellness

Investing for the long-term is one of the best ways to improve your financial wellness, build sustainable wealth, and create the future you want. This guide shares the ins and out of investing, building a portfolio, and more.

The 6 principles of value investing

The 6 principles of value investing

Everyone likes a bargain, especially value investors. Value investing is a strategy that involves picking stocks that you believe are trading lower than their value….

Dogecoin on M1? with the M1 logo in the bottom right corner in front of an image of three friends viewing a laptop screen

Dogecoin on M1? 

Dogecoin, the cryptocurrency that’s all the rage these days, was started as a joke. This “joke” cryptocurrency is now worth around $50 billion, worth more…