An afternoon trade window for M1 Plus customers
Eligible M1 users with M1 Plus membership now have access to two trading windows during every day markets are open: a morning trading window at 9:30 AM ET and an afternoon trading window at 3:00 PM ET.
Cognitive biases can hurt your investment returns—but they don’t have to
Understand how cognitive biases work – and how to overcome them – to make sure they don’t get in the way of your investing.
New in M1: Transfer money easier and faster
The new Transfers tab makes moving money into, out of, and within M1 easier and faster than ever.
Should you use a Roth IRA to save for college?
College is expensive, and there are many ways to set money aside for it. Here, we explore the merits of using a Roth IRA for college, compared with a 529 savings plan.
Sharing Pies 101
Away from the Thanksgiving table, most of us don’t think too much about how sharing a pie could affect our lives. But if you’ve got…
Intrigued by IPOs? Read this before you invest
Buying the stock of newly listed companies can be rewarding – and exciting. Before getting lost in the hype, understand how IPOs work and how they might fit into your investing strategy.
Do you really need a financial advisor?
When it comes to managing your money, who’s the best person for the job? The answer isn’t as straightforward as you may think.
What’s your risk tolerance? Take the quiz to find out!
A majority of investors make one or more of these critical mistakes when choosing stocks. Are you guilty?
Understanding the consequences of complex portfolios
M1 gives you the power to create your investing portfolio as you see fit, but what are the drawbacks of a portfolio that is too complex?
5 reasons penny stocks aren’t worth the money (and what to buy instead)
A lot of new investors are drawn to penny stocks. It’s easy to see why these instruments might seem appealing at first glance: because penny…
A brief history of low-fee investing
Once upon a time, individuals who wanted to invest in the stock market had to pay expensive fees to do so. Even if you had…
Introducing M1 Spend
Introducing the M1 Spend checking account and debit card that seamlessly integrate with the M1 Finance account you already know and love.